
114 lines
3.3 KiB

$inner_w = 88;
$inner_r = 10; // this is the approximate inner radius of the welds on the rack
$bar_d = 10; // diameter of the bars (and spacing between the sectors
$b_sector = 50;
$m_sector = 103;
$f_sector = 97;
$boot_h = 15;
$seat_h = 5;
$seat_w = $inner_w + $bar_d + $bar_d;
$full_w = $b_sector + $m_sector + $f_sector + (2*$bar_d);
$tie_spacing = 46; // 50 mm between each tie cross
$tie_lr_spacing = 15; // 15 mm spacing between each side of the cross
$tie_hole_r = 3; // size of the hole for zipties
$tie_margin = 30; // inner margin of tie rows
$tie_margin_f = 20; // front margin of tie rows
$tie_num = 7; // number of ties in each row
module rounded_cube(x, y, z)
//cube([x, y, z]);
hull() {
translate([$inner_r, $inner_r, 0])
cylinder(r=$inner_r, h=z);
translate([x-$inner_r, $inner_r, 0])
cylinder(r=$inner_r, h=z);
translate([x-$inner_r, y-$inner_r, 0])
cylinder(r=$inner_r, h=z);
translate([$inner_r, y-$inner_r, 0])
cylinder(r=$inner_r, h=z);
module base() {
difference() {
// boots + base
translate([$bar_d,0,0]) {
union() {
rounded_cube($inner_w, $b_sector, $boot_h);
// translate([0, $b_sector + $bar_d, 0])
// rounded_cube($inner_w, $m_sector, $boot_h);
// translate([0, $b_sector + $bar_d + $m_sector + $bar_d, 0])
// rounded_cube($inner_w, $f_sector, $boot_h);
// seat
// translate([-$bar_d,0,$boot_h-0.1])
// rounded_cube($seat_w,
// $b_sector + $m_sector + $f_sector + (2*$bar_d),
// $seat_h);
$b_sector + (2*$bar_d),
// ziptie holes
translate([0, $tie_margin_f, 0]) {
for ( i = [1 : $tie_spacing : ($tie_spacing * $tie_num)] ) {
translate([0, i - (0.5*$tie_lr_spacing), 0]) {
translate([$tie_margin, 0, -.1]) {
cylinder(r=$tie_hole_r, h=($boot_h + $seat_h + 2));
translate([0, $tie_lr_spacing, 0]) {
cylinder(r=$tie_hole_r, h=($boot_h + $seat_h + 2));
translate([$seat_w - $tie_margin, 0, -.1]) {
cylinder(r=$tie_hole_r, h=($boot_h + $seat_h + 2));
translate([0, $tie_lr_spacing, 0]) {
cylinder(r=$tie_hole_r, h=($boot_h + $seat_h + 2));
// perpendicular zip tie holes
for ( i = [0 : ($tie_spacing) * 2 : $tie_spacing * ($tie_num - 1) ] ) {
translate([(0.5 * $seat_w) - ($tie_lr_spacing * 0.5),
i + (($tie_spacing) / 2),
-.1]) {
cylinder(r=$tie_hole_r, h=($boot_h + $seat_h + 2));
translate([$tie_lr_spacing, 0, 0]) {
cylinder(r=$tie_hole_r, h=($boot_h + $seat_h + 2));
module sliced(half=0) {
if (half==0) {
difference() {
cube([$inner_w + (2*$bar_d) + 1,
$full_w / 2 + 0.1,
$seat_h+$boot_h + 1]);
} else {
difference() {
translate([-0.5,$full_w/2 + 0.1,-0.1])
cube([$inner_w + (2*$bar_d) + 1,
$full_w / 2,
$seat_h+$boot_h + 1]);