
693 lines
31 KiB

;;; arcology.el --- Another org-mode static site generator
;; Copyright (C) 2016 Ryan Rix
;; Author: Ryan Rix <>
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((json "0.1") (org "8.0"))
;; Keywords: web
;; URL:
;;; Commentary:
;; This package generates a small blog from org-mode files, leveraging Microformats to provide
;; semantic information about the posts; you can use this information to automate sharing,
;; linkbacks, embedding images in 3rd party silso, and more; see and
;; for more information.
;; This package can be used by configuring the various variables and then calling [`arcology']
;; which will publish the blog index, an RSS feed and URLs for each entry. You can then have
;; automatically syndicate the content to silos by calling [`arcology-syndicate-entry-at-point'].
;; From Wikipedia:
;; Arcology, a portmanteau of "architecture" and "ecology", is a vision of architectural design
;; principles for very densely populated habitats. The concept has been primarily popularized, and
;; the term itself coined, by architect Paolo Soleri. It also appears in science fiction. These
;; structures have been largely hypothetical insofar as no 'arcology' envisioned by Soleri himself
;; has yet been completed, but he posited that a completed arcology would provide space for a
;; variety of residential, commercial, and agricultural facilities while minimizing individual human
;; environmental impact. Arcologies are often portrayed in sci-fi as self-contained or economically
;; self-sufficient.
;; Arcology aims to be a self-sufficient blogging platform, where you can leverage the work that
;; IndieWeb actors have done to build a self-sufficient site with the full support of "social media"
;; type offerings like comments, reposts, checkins, all running under your own domain and backed by
;; plain text that you can control yourself or generate using simple scripts or Memacs
;;; Code:
(require 'cl)
(require 'org-attach)
(require 'ox-html)
(require 'htmlize)
(require 'url-http)
(require 'url)
(require 'json)
(require 'arcology-util)
(defgroup arcology nil
"Static org-mode site generator")
(defcustom arcology-site-root "~/tmp/arcology"
"The base directory to generate the site in to."
:group 'arcology)
(defcustom arcology-site-tag "BLORG-NOEXPORT+EXPORT"
"Org tag that Arcology will look for."
:group 'arcology)
(defcustom arcology-publish-config
'(:rss-image-url ""
:html-link-home ""
:html-link-use-abs-url t
:rss-extension "xml"
:select-tags ("EXPORT")
:exclude-tags ("NOEXPORT")
:publishing-directory "/"
:table-of-contents nil
:section-numbers nil
:recursive t)
"An `org-publish-project-alist' format plist containing shared state between all of the temporary publish projects."
:group 'arcology)
(defcustom arcology-default-template-file (expand-file-name "~/Code/notes/templates/default.html")
"Template file to use for fallback"
:group 'arcology)
(defcustom arcology-note-template-file (expand-file-name "~/Code/notes/templates/note.html")
"Template file to use for notes"
:group 'arcology)
(defcustom arcology-read-template-file (expand-file-name "~/Code/notes/templates/default.html")
"Template file to use for read-items"
:group 'arcology)
(defcustom arcology-article-template-file (expand-file-name "~/Code/notes/templates/default.html")
"Template file to use for full-length articles."
:group 'arcology)
(defcustom arcology-photo-template-file (expand-file-name "~/Code/notes/templates/default.html")
"Template file to use for notes."
:group 'arcology)
(defcustom arcology-jam-template-file (expand-file-name "~/Code/notes/templates/default.html")
"Template file to use for jam posts."
:group 'arcology)
(defcustom arcology-reply-template-file (expand-file-name "~/Code/notes/templates/reply.html")
"Template file to use for replies."
:group 'arcology)
(defcustom arcology-index-template-file (expand-file-name "~/Code/notes/templates/index.html")
"Template file to use for the site index."
:group 'arcology)
(defcustom arcology-review-template-file (expand-file-name "~/Code/notes/templates/review.html")
"Template file to use for reviews."
:group 'arcology)
(defcustom arcology-index-title "Computer :("
"The title of your site"
:group 'arcology)
(defcustom nil
"API Key for, used to pull all mentions."
:group 'arcology)
(defvar arcology-entry-cache nil)
(defvar arcology-full-postlist nil)
(defun arcology (use-cache &optional preview)
"Generate the Arcology site.
If USE-CACHE is non-nil, use the cache instead of refreshing the
cache. If PREVIEW is non-nil, skip publishing."
(interactive "P")
(let ((config (arcology-make-config)))
(when (not use-cache)
(setq arcology-entry-cache nil)
(setq arcology-full-postlist nil)
(arcology-index-entries config))
(unless (file-exists-p arcology-site-root)
(mkdir arcology-site-root t))
(arcology-generate-modified-entries config)
(arcology-generate-indices config))
(copy-file "~/Code/notes/webmention.js" (concat arcology-site-root "/webmention.js") t)
(copy-file "~/Code/notes/go.png" (concat arcology-site-root "/go.png") t)
(copy-file "~/Code/notes/favicon.gif" (concat arcology-site-root "/favicon.gif") t)
(copy-file "~/Code/notes/rix_green.png" (concat arcology-site-root "/rix_green.png") t)
(copy-directory "~/Code/notes/css" (concat arcology-site-root "/css") t t t)
(copy-directory "~/Code/notes/font" (concat arcology-site-root "/font") t t t)
(unless preview
(defun arcology-publish ()
"Publish an already-rendered Arcology site"
(let* ((config (arcology-make-config))
(list (append '("notes_other")
(arcology-plist-merge '(:base-extension "JPG\\|js\\|html\\|jpg\\|gif\\|png\\|css\\|woff\\|eot\\|ttf\\|svg\\|woff2" :publishing-function (org-publish-attachment))
(org-publish "notes_other")))
(defun arcology-generate-indices (config)
(arcology-generate-index config :index (lambda (metadata) nil))
(mapc (lambda (post-type)
(arcology-generate-index config post-type
(lambda (metadata)
(not (eq (elt metadata 0) post-type)))))
(arcology-post-types-from-list arcology-full-postlist)))
(defun arcology-post-types-from-list (postlist)
(reduce (lambda (last current)
(if (member (elt current 0) last)
(append last (list (elt current 0)))))
:initial-value '()))
(defun arcology-make-config (&optional base)
(let (plist (list))
(append (list :base-directory arcology-site-root)
(list :site-tag arcology-site-tag)
(when base
(defun arcology-index-entries (config)
"Generate an index of entries that Arcology should build in to its site."
(org-map-entries 'arcology-index-entry
(plist-get config :site-tag)
(defun arcology-generate-modified-entries (config)
;; XXX: Have this just iterate over the entry-cache using the logic in at-point....
;; Right now this O(x^N) where x is posts, and N is post types. UGH.
(arcology-plist-mapc #'arcology-generate-modified-entries-for-type
(defun arcology-filter (condp lst)
(delq nil
(mapcar (lambda (x) (and (funcall condp x) x)) lst)))
(defun arcology-format-time (time &optional iso)
"Convert a time as float or int since epoch to presentable."
(let ((format (if iso
"%H:%MZ on %e %B %Y")))
(format-time-string format (seconds-to-time time) t)))
(defun arcology-generate-index (config type filterfun)
(format "%s/%s.html" arcology-site-root
(replace-regexp-in-string ":" "" (prin1-to-string type)))
:content (mapconcat (lambda (metadata)
(let* ((entry-type (elt metadata 0))
(key (elt metadata 1))
(entry-list (plist-get arcology-entry-cache
(entry (lax-plist-get entry-list
(format "<div class=\"h-entry\"><div class=\"row\"><i class=\"icon-%s\" aria-hidden=true></i><h2 class=\"p-name\">%s</h2> <a class=\"u-url\" href=\"%s\"><time class=\"dt-published\" datetime=\"%s\">%s</time></a></div><div class=\"row\">%s</div></div>"
(replace-regexp-in-string ":" "" (prin1-to-string entry-type))
(plist-get entry :title-html)
(elt metadata 3)
(arcology-format-time (elt metadata 4) t)
(arcology-format-time (elt metadata 4))
(plist-get entry :index-html))))
(cl-remove-if filterfun (reverse arcology-full-postlist)) "\n")
:title arcology-index-title
:title-html arcology-index-title
:url (plist-get config :base-directory)))
(defun arcology-plist-mapc (fun plist)
(cl-loop for (k v) on plist by 'cddr
(funcall fun k v)))
(defun arcology-generate-modified-entries-for-type (cache-type entries)
(case cache-type
((:note) (arcology-plist-mapc #'arcology-make-note-entry entries))
((:read) (arcology-plist-mapc #'arcology-make-read-entry entries))
((:like) (arcology-plist-mapc #'arcology-make-like-entry entries))
((:step) (arcology-plist-mapc #'arcology-make-step-entry entries))
((:photo) (arcology-plist-mapc #'arcology-make-photo-entry entries))
((:video) (arcology-plist-mapc #'arcology-make-video-entry entries))
((:jam) (arcology-plist-mapc #'arcology-make-jam-entry entries))
((:review) (arcology-plist-mapc #'arcology-make-review-entry entries))
((:reply) (arcology-plist-mapc #'arcology-make-reply-entry entries))
((:rsvp) (arcology-plist-mapc #'arcology-make-rsvp-entry entries))
((:checkin) (progn
(require 'arcology-checkin)
(arcology-plist-mapc #'arcology-make-checkin-entry entries)))
((:article) (arcology-plist-mapc #'arcology-make-article-entry entries))))
(defmacro def-arcology-entry-generator (type content-generator &optional extra-body extra-lets)
(let ((fname (intern (format "arcology-make-%s-entry" type)))
(type-as-symbol (intern (format ":%s" type)))
(template-file-var (intern (format "arcology-%s-template-file" type))))
`(defun ,fname (key entry)
(with-current-buffer (plist-get entry :buffer)
(goto-char (plist-get entry :point))
(unless (file-exists-p arcology-site-root)
(make-directory arcology-site-root))
(let* ((pubdate (plist-get entry :created-at))
(pubdate (org-time-string-to-seconds pubdate))
(filename (format "%s-note.html" pubdate))
(fullpath (format "%s/%s" arcology-site-root filename))
(title (plist-get entry :title))
(title-html (plist-get entry :title-html))
(content (funcall ,content-generator entry))
(base-url (plist-get arcology-publish-config :html-link-home))
(full-url (concat base-url "/" filename))
(syn-twitter-url (arcology-alist-get "SYN-TWITTER" (plist-get entry :properties)))
(syn-facebook-url (arcology-alist-get "SYN-FACEBOOK" (plist-get entry :properties)))
(syn-twitter-href (if (> (length syn-twitter-url) 0)
(format "<a rel=\"syndication\" href=\"%s\">On Twitter</a>" syn-twitter-url)
(syn-facebook-href (if (> (length syn-facebook-url) 0)
(format "<a rel=\"syndication\" href=\"%s\">On Facebook</a>" syn-facebook-url)
,@(when extra-lets
(org-entry-put (point) "RSS_PERMALINK" filename)
,@(when extra-body
(arcology-write-template fullpath ,(if (boundp template-file-var)
:content content
:title title
:title-html title-html
:url full-url
:dt-published (format "<time class=\"dt-published\" datetime=\"%s\">%s</time>"
(arcology-format-time (truncate pubdate) t)
(arcology-format-time (truncate pubdate)))
:twitter syn-twitter-href
:facebook syn-facebook-href)
(let ((cache-entry (list ,type-as-symbol key fullpath full-url (truncate pubdate))))
(unless (member cache-entry arcology-full-postlist)
(add-to-ordered-list 'arcology-full-postlist
(defun arcology-write-template (fullpath template-file &rest template-args)
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect fullpath)
(if (file-exists-p template-file)
(insert-file template-file)
(insert-file arcology-default-template-file))
(goto-char (point-min))
(replace-regexp "{{content}}" (or (plist-get template-args :content)
(goto-char (point-min))
(replace-regexp "{{title}}" (or (plist-get template-args :title)
(goto-char (point-min))
(replace-regexp "{{title-html}}" (or (plist-get template-args :title-html)
(goto-char (point-min))
(replace-regexp "{{url}}" (or (plist-get template-args :url)
(goto-char (point-min))
(replace-regexp "{{dt-published}}" (or (plist-get template-args :dt-published)
(goto-char (point-min))
(replace-regexp "<a class=\"u-syndication\" href=\"{{twitter}}\">On Twitter</a>" (or (plist-get template-args :twitter)
(goto-char (point-min))
(replace-regexp "<a class=\"u-syndication\" href=\"{{facebook}}\">On Facebook</a>" (or (plist-get template-args :facebook)
(write-file fullpath)
(kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
(defun arcology-index-entry (&optional not-scanning)
"Index the entry at point.
This function basically just routes to other functions based on
inferring the post type of a given entry."
(let* ((org-trust-scanner-tags nil)
(proptable (org-entry-properties))
(ctime (arcology-get-ctime proptable))
(key (or (org-id-get)
(let* ((title (elt (org-heading-components) 4))
(buffer (current-buffer))
(point (point))
(tags (org-get-tags-at))
(entry-text (arcology-clean-entry-text (org-get-entry)))
(sub-cache-type (arcology-entry-type-at-point))
(sub-cache (or (plist-get arcology-entry-cache sub-cache-type)
(index-html (arcology-index-snippet-for-entry-at-point)))
(if (not (member "NOEXPORT" tags))
(let ((res (list :title (replace-regexp-in-string "<.*> " "" title)
:title-html (replace-regexp-in-string "&lt;.*&gt;" "" (arcology-heading-to-html))
:length (length entry-text)
:buffer buffer
:point point
:properties proptable
:index-html index-html
:created-at ctime)))
(setq arcology-entry-cache
(plist-put arcology-entry-cache sub-cache-type
(plist-put sub-cache key
(list sub-cache-type res))))))
(defun arcology-entry-type-at-point ()
(cond ((member "READ" tags) :read)
((member "CHECKIN" tags) :checkin)
((arcology-alist-get "P-RSVP" proptable) :rsvp)
((arcology-alist-get "YOUTUBE-URL" proptable) :video)
((member "REPLY" tags) :reply)
((member "LIKE" tags) :like)
((member "STEPS" tags) :step)
;; ((member "EVENT" tags) :event)
;; ((member "BOOKMARK" tags) :bookmark)
;; ((member "REPOST" tags) :repost)
((member "JAM" tags) :jam)
((member "REVIEW" tags) :review)
;; ((member "RSVP" tags) :rsvp)
((and (member "ATTACH" tags)
(string-match-p "\\.[\(jpg\)\|\(png\)\|\(gif\)]+$"
(arcology-alist-get "ATTACHMENTS" proptable)))
((and (member "ATTACH" tags)
(string-match-p "\\.[\(ogv\)\|\(mp4\)\|\(mkv\)]+$"
(arcology-alist-get "ATTACHMENTS" proptable)))
((not (> (length entry-text) 0)) :note)
(t :article)))
(defun arcology-index-snippet-for-entry-at-point ()
(cond ((> (length (if (org-attach-dir) (org-attach-file-list (org-attach-dir)) '())) 0)
(arcology-add-image-content-at-point 10))
(t "")))
(defun arcology-publish-entry-at-point (point &optional suppress-publish)
(interactive "d")
(goto-char point)
;; index the entry
(let* ((entry (arcology-index-entry t))
(proptable (org-entry-properties))
(ctime (arcology-get-ctime proptable))
(key (or (org-id-get)
(case (car entry)
;; render it
((:note) (arcology-make-note-entry key (cadr entry)))
((:read) (arcology-make-read-entry key (cadr entry)))
((:like) (arcology-make-like-entry key (cadr entry)))
((:step) (arcology-make-step-entry key (cadr entry)))
((:photo) (arcology-make-photo-entry key (cadr entry)))
((:video) (arcology-make-video-entry key (cadr entry)))
((:jam) (arcology-make-jam-entry key (cadr entry)))
((:review) (arcology-make-review-entry key (cadr entry)))
((:reply) (arcology-make-reply-entry key (cadr entry)))
((:checkin) (progn
(require 'arcology-checkin)
(arcology-make-checkin-entry key (cadr entry))))
((:article) (arcology-make-article-entry key (cadr entry))))
;; render indices
(arcology-generate-indices (arcology-make-config))
;; publish
(unless suppress-publish
(defun arcology-clean-entry-text (entry)
"[[0-9]+-.*]\n?" ""
"CLOSED:.*\n?" ""
"^\s*:[A-Za-z0-9-_]+:.*\n?" ""
(defun arcology-alist-get (key obj)
"Easy JSON accessor, get KEY's value from OBJ."
(cdr (assoc key obj)))
(defun arcology-heading-to-html ()
"HTMLize the heading at point, cleaning up crap and generating in-reply-to URLs."
(let ((heading (org-get-heading)))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*arcology-tmp*")
(insert heading)
(goto-char (point-min))
(replace-regexp ":[:a-zA-Z0-9-_]+:$" "")
(let* ((str (htmlize-region-for-paste (point-min) (point-max))))
(insert str)
(goto-char (point-min))
(replace-regexp "<pre>" "")
(goto-char (point-min))
(replace-regexp "</pre>" "")
(goto-char (point-min))
(replace-regexp "<a href=\"https://twitter" "<a class=\"u-in-reply-to\" href=\"https://twitter")
(defun arcology-get-default-content (entry)
(with-current-buffer (plist-get entry :buffer)
(goto-char (plist-get entry :point))
(with-current-buffer (org-html-export-as-html nil t nil t)
(defun arcology-add-image-content-at-point (&optional width)
(let* ((id (org-id-get-create))
(attach-dir (org-attach-dir))
(file-list (if attach-dir
(org-attach-file-list attach-dir)
(real-width (cond (width width)
((= (length file-list) 1)
((= (length file-list) 2)
(t 32))))
(mapconcat (lambda (file)
(let ((file- (concat attach-dir "/" file))
(newfile (concat arcology-site-root "/" id "-" file)))
(message "%s" id)
(unless (file-exists-p newfile)
(copy-file file- newfile)
(set-file-modes newfile 420))
(format "%s%s%s"
(concat "<a style=\"width: "
(number-to-string real-width) "%\" href=\"" id "-" file "\">")
(concat "<img src=\"" id "-" file "\" class=\"u-photo\"/>")
(defun arcology-add-image-content (entry &optional width)
(with-current-buffer (plist-get entry :buffer)
(goto-char (plist-get entry :point))
(arcology-add-image-content-at-point width)))
(defun arcology-plist-merge (&rest plists)
"Merge a bunch of PLISTS together."
(if plists
(let ((result (copy-sequence (car plists))))
(while (setq plists (cdr plists))
(let ((plist (car plists)))
(while plist
(setq result (plist-put result (car plist) (car (cdr plist)))
plist (cdr (cdr plist))))))
(defun arcology-get-ctime (proptable)
"Infer a created time from PROPTABLE"
(or (arcology-alist-get "CLOSED" proptable)
(arcology-alist-get "TIMESTAMP_IA" proptable)
(arcology-alist-get "TIMESTAMP" proptable)))
(defun arcology-entry-to-html (entry)
(with-current-buffer (plist-get entry :buffer)
(goto-char (plist-get entry :point))
(with-current-buffer (org-html-export-as-html nil t nil t)
(defun arcology-syndicate-entry-at-point (&optional no-twitter no-facebook)
"Syndicate the org-mode entry at point, by calling out to Bridgy and storing the result."
(let* ((date (arcology-get-ctime (org-entry-properties)))
(date (org-time-string-to-seconds date))
(base-url (plist-get arcology-publish-config :html-link-home))
(url (format "%s/%s-note.html" base-url date))
(syn-twitter (org-entry-get (point) "SYN-TWITTER"))
(syn-facebook (org-entry-get (point) "SYN-FACEBOOK"))
(syn-reply (org-entry-get (point) "SYN-IN-REPLY-TO"))
(syn-like (org-entry-get (point) "SYN-LIKE-OF"))
(realpoint (point)))
(unless (and (not no-twitter) (> (length syn-twitter) 0))
(let* ((url-request-data (format "source=%s&target=" url))
(url-request-method "POST")
(buf (url-retrieve-synchronously "")))
(org-entry-put realpoint "SYN-TWITTER"
(with-current-buffer buf
(goto-char url-http-end-of-headers)
(let* ((body (json-read))
(url (assoc 'url body)))
(when url
(cdr url)))))))
(unless (and (not no-facebook) (> (length syn-facebook) 0))
(let* ((url-request-data (format "source=%s&target=" url))
(url-request-method "POST")
(buf (url-retrieve-synchronously "")))
(org-entry-put realpoint "SYN-FACEBOOK"
(with-current-buffer buf
(goto-char url-http-end-of-headers)
(let* ((body (json-read))
(url (assoc 'url body)))
(when url
(cdr url)))))))))
(def-arcology-entry-generator note (lambda (entry) ""))
(def-arcology-entry-generator read
(def-arcology-entry-generator article
(def-arcology-entry-generator photo
(lambda (entry)
(arcology-add-image-content entry)
(arcology-entry-to-html entry))))
(def-arcology-entry-generator jam
(lambda (entry)
(let ((query (replace-regexp-in-string "<.*> " "" (plist-get entry :title)))
(str (if (> (length (arcology-clean-entry-text (org-get-entry))) 0)
(arcology-entry-to-html entry)
(format "<a href=\"\">%s</a> on YouTube <p>%s</p>" query query str))))
like (lambda (entry) "")
nil ((title-html (replace-regexp-in-string))))
(def-arcology-entry-generator reply
(lambda (entry)
(let ((properties (plist-get entry :properties))
(str (if (> (length (arcology-clean-entry-text (org-get-entry))) 0)
(arcology-entry-to-html entry)
(format "<a class=\"u-in-reply-to\" href=\"%s\">In reply to %s</a>... <p>%s</p>"
(arcology-alist-get "U-IN-REPLY-TO" properties)
(arcology-alist-get "U-IN-REPLY-TO" properties)
(def-arcology-entry-generator like
(lambda (entry)
(let ((properties (plist-get entry :properties))
(str (if (> (length (arcology-clean-entry-text (org-get-entry))) 0)
(arcology-entry-to-html entry)
(format "<a class=\"u-like-of\" href=\"%s\">Ryan likes %s</a>... <p>%s</p>"
(arcology-alist-get "U-LIKE-OF" properties)
(arcology-alist-get "U-LIKE-OF" properties)
(def-arcology-entry-generator rsvp
(lambda (entry)
(let* ((properties (plist-get entry :properties))
(rsvp (arcology-alist-get "P-RSVP" properties))
(str (if (> (length (arcology-clean-entry-text (org-get-entry))) 0)
(arcology-entry-to-html entry)
(format "<a class=\"u-in-reply-to\" href=\"%s\"><data class=\"p-rsvp\" value=\"%s\">Ryan %s %s</data></a>... <p>%s</p>"
(arcology-alist-get "U-IN-REPLY-TO" properties)
(cond ((equal rsvp "yes")
"is going to")
((equal rsvp "interested")
"is interested in")
((equal rsvp "no")
"is not going to")
((equal rsvp "maybe")
"might go to"))
(arcology-alist-get "U-IN-REPLY-TO" properties)
(def-arcology-entry-generator step
(lambda (entry)
(let* ((properties (plist-get entry :properties))
(str (if (> (length (arcology-clean-entry-text (org-get-entry))) 0)
(arcology-entry-to-html entry)
(format "Ryan burnt <data class=\"p-calories\" value=\"%s\">%s calories</data> and walked <data class=\"p-distance\" value=\"%s\">%s</data> miles in <data class=\"p-steps\" value=\"%s\">%s steps</data> <p>%s</p>"
(arcology-alist-get "CALORIES" properties)
(arcology-alist-get "CALORIES" properties)
(arcology-alist-get "DISTANCE" properties)
(arcology-alist-get "DISTANCE" properties)
(arcology-alist-get "STEPS" properties)
(arcology-alist-get "STEPS" properties)
(def-arcology-entry-generator video
(lambda (entry)
(let* ((properties (plist-get entry :properties))
(id (org-id-get-create))
(attach-dir (org-attach-dir))
(file-list (if attach-dir
(org-attach-file-list attach-dir)
(format "%s%s%s"
(if (arcology-alist-get "YOUTUBE-URL" properties)
(format "<iframe %s %s src=\"\"></iframe>"
"type=\"text/html\" frameborder=\"0\""
"width=\"750px\" height=\"562px\""
(car (last (split-string (arcology-alist-get "YOUTUBE-URL" properties)
(mapconcat (lambda (file)
(let ((file- (concat attach-dir "/" file))
(newfile (concat arcology-site-root "/" id "-" file)))
(unless (file-exists-p newfile)
(copy-file file- newfile)
(set-file-modes newfile 420))
(concat "<video controls style=\"width: 100%\" src=\"" id "-" file "\" class=\"u-video\"/><br/>")))
file-list "\n")
(if (> (length (arcology-clean-entry-text (org-get-entry))) 0)
(arcology-entry-to-html entry)
(def-arcology-entry-generator review
(lambda (entry)
(let* ((properties (plist-get entry :properties))
(rating (arcology-alist-get "P-RATING" properties))
(item (arcology-alist-get "P-ITEM" properties))
(id (org-id-get-create))
(attach-dir (org-attach-dir))
(file-list (if attach-dir
(org-attach-file-list attach-dir)
(format "%s%s%s%s"
(arcology-add-image-content entry)
(arcology-entry-to-html entry)
(format "I give this item a <data class=\"p-rating\" value=\"%s\">%s star</data> review out of 5 stars." rating rating)))))
(provide 'arcology)
;;; arcology.el ends here