
157 lines
4.3 KiB

from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
from sqlmodel import Session
from arcology.arroyo import Page, engine
import arcology.html as html
from arcology.parse import parse_sexp
app = FastAPI()
import uvicorn
#@click.command(help="start the DRP status servlet")
#@click.option("--host", "-h", help="the host IP to listen on, defaults to all IPs/interfaces", default="")
#@click.option("--port", "-p", help="port to listen on", default=8000)
def start(host="", port=8000):"arcology.server:app", host=host, port=port)
from prometheus_fastapi_instrumentator import Instrumentator
prometheus_instrumentor = Instrumentator()
# done after adding custom metrics now
# prometheus_instrumentor.instrument(app).expose(app)
from typing import Callable
from prometheus_fastapi_instrumentator.metrics import Info
from prometheus_client import Counter
from arcology.sites import host_to_site
from arcology.key import ArcologyKey
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def http_request_sites_total() -> Callable[[Info], None]:
METRIC = Counter(
"Number of times a site or page has been requested.",
labelnames=("site", "key", "method", "status", "ua_type")
def instrumentation(info: Info) -> None:
key = ArcologyKey.from_request(info.request)
user_agent = info.request.headers.get("User-Agent")
agent_type = get_agent_type(user_agent)
if info.request.url.path.startswith("/metrics"):
if info.request.url.path.startswith("/static"):
if info.request.url.path.startswith("/favicon.ico"):
if agent_type == "unknown":"Detected unknown user agent: {agent}", dict(agent=user_agent))
METRIC.labels(, key.key, info.method, info.modified_status, agent_type).inc()
return instrumentation
def get_agent_type(user_agent: str) -> str:
if user_agent == "":
return "no-ua"
if "Synapse" in user_agent:
return "matrix"
if "Element" in user_agent:
return "matrix"
if "SubwayTooter" in user_agent:
return "app"
if "Dalvik" in user_agent:
return "app"
if "Nextcloud-android" in user_agent:
return "app"
if "prometheus" in user_agent:
return "internal"
if "feediverse" in user_agent:
return "internal"
if "Pleroma" in user_agent:
return "fedi"
if "Mastodon/" in user_agent:
return "fedi"
if "Akkoma" in user_agent:
return "fedi"
if "Friendica" in user_agent:
return "fedi"
if "FoundKey" in user_agent:
return "fedi"
if "MissKey" in user_agent:
return "fedi"
if "CalcKey" in user_agent:
return "fedi"
if "gotosocial" in user_agent:
return "fedi"
if "Epicyon" in user_agent:
return "fedi"
if "feedparser" in user_agent:
return "feed"
if "granary" in user_agent:
return "feed"
if "Tiny Tiny RSS" in user_agent:
return "feed"
if "Go-NEB" in user_agent:
return "feed"
if "Gwene" in user_agent:
return "feed"
if "Feedbin" in user_agent:
return "feed"
if "SimplePie" in user_agent:
return "feed"
if "Elfeed" in user_agent:
return "feed"
if "inoreader" in user_agent:
return "feed"
if "Reeder" in user_agent:
return "feed"
if "Miniflux" in user_agent:
return "feed"
if "Bot" in user_agent:
return "bot"
if "bot" in user_agent:
return "bot"
if "Poduptime" in user_agent:
return "bot"
if "Chrome/" in user_agent:
return "browser"
if "Firefox/" in user_agent:
return "browser"
if "DuckDuckGo/" in user_agent:
return "browser"
if "Safari/" in user_agent:
return "browser"
return "unknown"
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
import os
static_directory = os.environ.get('STATIC_FILE_DIR', "arcology/static")
app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory=static_directory), name="static")
import as domains
app = domains.decorate_app(app)