
301 lines
12 KiB

;; [[*headmatter & db functions][headmatter & db functions:1]]
(defcustom arroyo-db-location (expand-file-name "arroyo.db" user-emacs-directory)
"Arroyo System Cache location"
:group 'arroyo)
(defvar arroyo-db--schemata nil
"A list of emacsql table schemas")
(defvar arroyo-db--connection (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
"Database connection to `arroyo database.")
(defvar arroyo-db-update-functions ()
"list of functions to run in the save hooks to update database tables")
;; headmatter & db functions:1 ends here
;; [[*headmatter & db functions][headmatter & db functions:2]]
(require 'emacsql-sqlite)
(require 'dash)
(defun arroyo-db ()
"Entrypoint to the `arroyo' sqlite database.
Initializes and stores the database, and the database connection.
Performs a database upgrade when required."
(unless (and (arroyo-db--get-connection)
(emacsql-live-p (arroyo-db--get-connection)))
(let ((init-db (not (file-exists-p arroyo-db-location))))
(make-directory (file-name-directory arroyo-db-location) t)
(let ((conn (emacsql-sqlite arroyo-db-location)))
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag (emacsql-process conn) nil)
(puthash (expand-file-name arroyo-db-location)
(when init-db
(arroyo-db--init conn)))))
(defun arroyo-db--init (db)
"Initialize DB with the correct schema and user version."
(message "Initializing Arroyo Database")
(emacsql-with-transaction db
(pcase-dolist (`(,table . ,schema) arroyo-db--schemata)
(condition-case err
(emacsql db [:create-table $i1 $S2] table schema)
(t nil)))
(emacsql db (format "PRAGMA user_version = \"%s\""
(defun arroyo-db--get-connection ()
"Return the database connection, if any."
(gethash (expand-file-name arroyo-db-location)
(defun arroyo-db--close-all ()
"Closes all database connections made by Org-roam."
(dolist (conn (hash-table-values arroyo-db--connection))
(arroyo-db--close conn)))
(defun arroyo-db--close (&optional db)
"Closes the database connection for database DB."
(unless db
(setq db (arroyo-db--get-connection)))
(when (and db (emacsql-live-p db))
(emacsql-close db)))
(defun arroyo-db--upgrade-maybe (db version)
"Upgrades the database schema for DB, if VERSION is old."
(emacsql-with-transaction db
(if (not (string-equal (format "%s" version) (arroyo-db--version)))
(delete-file arroyo-db-location)
;; headmatter & db functions:2 ends here
;; [[*headmatter & db functions][headmatter & db functions:3]]
(defun arroyo-db--update-on-save-h ()
"Locally setup file update for `arroyo-db' system cache."
(when (org-roam-file-p)
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'arroyo-db-update-file nil 'local)))
(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'arroyo-db--update-on-save-h)
;; headmatter & db functions:3 ends here
;; [[*headmatter & db functions][headmatter & db functions:4]]
(defun arroyo-db-file-updated-p (file)
"Returns t if the file's hash does not match the one recorded in the Arroyo DB."
(not (equal (caar (arroyo-db-query [:select hash :from files :where (= file $s1)] file))
(org-roam-db--file-hash file))))
(defun arroyo-db-update-file-maybe (&optional file _no-require)
"Update cache for FILE. it will skip if this file's recorded hash matches the disk hash."
(setq file (or file (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))
(when (arroyo-db-file-updated-p file)
(arroyo-db-update-file file _no-require)))
(defun arroyo-db-update-file (&optional file _no-require)
"Update cache for FILE."
(setq file (or file (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))
(org-roam-with-file file nil
(dolist (func arroyo-db-update-functions)
(funcall func))))
;(add-function :after (symbol-function 'org-roam-db-update-file) #'arroyo-db-update-file)
(add-function :after (symbol-function 'org-roam-db-sync) #'arroyo-db-update-all-roam-files)
(defun arroyo-db-update-all-roam-files (&optional force)
(interactive "P")
(let ((gc-cons-threshold org-roam-db-gc-threshold))
(arroyo-db--close) ;; Force a reconnect
(when force (delete-file arroyo-db-location))
(arroyo-db) ;; To initialize the database, no-op if already initialized
(dolist-with-progress-reporter (file (org-roam-list-files))
"Processing all files..."
(arroyo-db-update-file-maybe file))
(defun arroyo-db-cull-deleted-files ()
(arroyo-db-query [:select file :from keywords])
(-map #'car)
(-remove #'file-exists-p)
(apply #'vector)
(arroyo-db-query [:delete :from keywords :where (in file $v1)])))
;; headmatter & db functions:4 ends here
;; [[*headmatter & db functions][headmatter & db functions:5]]
(define-error 'emacsql-constraint "SQL constraint violation")
(defun arroyo-db-query (sql &rest args)
"Run SQL query on arroyo database with ARGS.
SQL can be either the emacsql vector representation, or a string."
(apply #'emacsql (arroyo-db) sql args))
(defun arroyo-db-get (keyword &optional file)
"arroyo KEYWORD value, optionally for FILE"
(if file
(-map #'car (arroyo-db-query [:select value :from keywords
:where (= keyword $s1)
:and (= file $s2)]
keyword file))
(arroyo-db-query [:select [file value] :from keywords
:where (= keyword $s1)]
(defun arroyo-db-by-keyword (keyword value)
"arroyo files by KEYWORD+VALUE search"
(-map #'car (arroyo-db-query [:select file :from keywords
:where (= keyword $s1)
:and (= value $s2)]
keyword value)))
(defun arroyo--files-for-role (role)
(->> role
(arroyo-db-by-keyword "ARROYO_SYSTEM_ROLE")
(--filter (arroyo-db-get "ARROYO_NIXOS_MODULE" it))
(--map (cons it (arroyo-db--get-file-title-from-org-roam it)))))
(defun arroyo-db--get-file-title-from-org-roam (file)
(->> file
(org-roam-db-query [:select title :from nodes :where (= level 0) :and (= file $s1)])
;; headmatter & db functions:5 ends here
;; [[*CANCELLED Arroyo DB uses hashes, not incremental versioning][CANCELLED Arroyo DB uses hashes, not incremental versioning:1]]
(defvar arroyo-db-hash-input-functions
"A list of functions which take an accumulator and hash their
own configuraiton in to the accumulator")
;; CANCELLED Arroyo DB uses hashes, not incremental versioning:1 ends here
;; [[*CANCELLED Arroyo DB uses hashes, not incremental versioning][CANCELLED Arroyo DB uses hashes, not incremental versioning:2]]
(defun arroyo-db--version ()
(-reduce (lambda (first second)
(funcall second first))
;; starts with the accumulator
(append '("") arroyo-db-hash-input-functions)))
(defun arroyo-db--hash (acc)
"A function which mixes the databases schemata in to the arroyo version hash, used to invalidate the DB on change"
(secure-hash 'sha256 (format "%s" (append acc arroyo-db-keywords))))
;; CANCELLED Arroyo DB uses hashes, not incremental versioning:2 ends here
;; [[*org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching][org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching:1]]
(defcustom arroyo-db-keywords '("BIRTHDAY" "PRONOUNS" "LOCATION")
"Keyword properties which will be stored in the org-roam db keywords table."
:type '(repeat string)
:group 'arroyo)
(defun arroyo-db--keywords-hash (acc)
(secure-hash 'sha256 (format "%s" (append acc arroyo-db-keywords))))
(add-to-list 'arroyo-db-hash-input-functions #'arroyo-db--keywords-hash)
;; org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching:1 ends here
;; [[*org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching][org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching:2]]
(add-to-list 'arroyo-db--schemata
[(file :not-null)
(keyword :not-null)
(value :not-null)]))
;; org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching:2 ends here
;; [[*org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching][org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching:3]]
(add-to-list 'arroyo-db--schemata
[(file :not-null)
(hash :not-null)]))
;; org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching:3 ends here
;; [[*org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching][org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching:4]]
(defun arroyo-db--record-file-hash (&optional update-p)
(pcase-let* ((file (buffer-file-name))
(pair (org-roam-db-query [:select [file hash] :from files
:where (= file $s1)]
(pair (or pair `((,file ,(org-roam-db--file-hash file))))))
(arroyo-db-query [:delete :from files :where (= file $s1)]
(arroyo-db-query [:insert :into files :values $v1]
(--map (apply #'vector it) pair))))
(add-to-list 'arroyo-db-update-functions #'arroyo-db--record-file-hash)
(defun arroyo-db--extract-keywords (&optional file-path)
"Extract props specified in [`arroyo-db-keywords'] from current buffer and return the type and the key of the ref."
(setq file-path (or file-path
(org-roam-with-file file-path nil
(when arroyo-db-keywords
(arroyo-db--extract-global-props arroyo-db-keywords))))))
(defun arroyo-db--insert-keywords (&optional update-p)
"Insert KEYWORDS for current buffer into the Org-roam cache.
If UPDATE-P is non-nil, first remove keywords for the file in the database.
Return the number of rows inserted."
(let* ((file (buffer-file-name))
(keywords (arroyo-db--extract-keywords file)))
(arroyo-db-query [:delete :from keywords
:where (= file $s1)]
(if keywords
[:insert :into keywords
:values $v1]
(maplist (lambda (keyword)
(vector file (caar keyword) (cdar keyword)))
(add-to-list 'arroyo-db-update-functions #'arroyo-db--insert-keywords)
;; org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching:4 ends here
;; [[*org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching][org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching:5]]
(defun arroyo-db--collect-keywords (keywords)
"Collect all Org KEYWORDS in the current buffer."
(if (functionp 'org-collect-keywords)
(org-collect-keywords keywords)
(let ((buf (org-element-parse-buffer))
(dolist (k keywords)
(let ((p (org-element-map buf 'keyword
(lambda (kw)
(when (string-equal (org-element-property :key kw) k)
(org-element-property :value kw)))
:first-match nil)))
(push (cons k p) res)))
(defun arroyo-db--extract-global-props-keyword (keywords)
"Extract KEYWORDS from the current Org buffer."
(let (ret)
(pcase-dolist (`(,key . ,values) (arroyo-db--collect-keywords keywords))
(dolist (value values)
(push (cons key value) ret)))
(defun arroyo-db--extract-global-props-drawer (props)
"Extract PROPS from the file-level property drawer in Org."
(let (ret)
(org-with-point-at 1
(dolist (prop props ret)
(when-let ((v (org-entry-get (point) prop)))
(push (cons prop v) ret))))))
(defun arroyo-db--extract-global-props (props)
"Extract PROPS from the current Org buffer.
Props are extracted from both the file-level property drawer (if
any), and Org keywords. Org keywords take precedence."
(arroyo-db--extract-global-props-keyword props)
(arroyo-db--extract-global-props-drawer props)))
;; org-roam #+PROPERTY keyword caching:5 ends here
;; [[*Footmatter][Footmatter:1]]
(provide 'arroyo-db)
;; Footmatter:1 ends here