
109 lines
5.3 KiB

;; [[id:arroyo/feed-cache-tab-fragments][Code for tabular file =ggsrc= fragment generation:1]]
(defun arroyo-feeds-make-string (tbl)
"Converts an babelized org-mode tabel TBL in to an ggsrc command.
The table is three columns, NAME, FEED_URL, CATEGORY."
(->> tbl
(seq-map (lambda (line)
(format "rss \"%s\" %s # \"%s\"\n" (second line) (third line) (first line))))
(apply #'s-concat)))
;; Code for tabular file =ggsrc= fragment generation:1 ends here
;; [[id:arroyo/feed-cache-tab-fragments][Code for tabular file =ggsrc= fragment generation:2]]
(defun arroyo-feeds-write-file (ggsrc-block export-path)
(let* ((cce-directory (expand-file-name "cce" org-roam-directory))
(fname (expand-file-name export-path cce-directory)))
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect (expand-file-name export-path cce-directory))
(insert ggsrc-block)
(format "[[%s][%s]]\n#+ARROYO_FEEDS: %s" fname export-path export-path))))
;; Code for tabular file =ggsrc= fragment generation:2 ends here
;; [[*Code for Keyword Metadata =ggsrc= fragment generation][Code for Keyword Metadata =ggsrc= fragment generation:1]]
(defun arroyo-feeds--keyword-fragment ()
(->> (arroyo-db-get "ARROYO_FEED_URL")
;; add titles
(-map (pcase-lambda (`(,file ,url))
(let ((res (org-roam-db-query [:select title :from nodes
:where (= level 0) :and (= file $s1)]
(list file url (car (first res))))))
;; add feed category
(-map (pcase-lambda (`(,file ,url ,title))
(let ((res (arroyo-db-get "ARROYO_FEED_CATEGORY" file)))
(list file url title (first res)))))
;; format and output
(-map (pcase-lambda (`(,file ,url ,title ,category))
(concat "rss \"" url "\" " category
" # " (format "[[%s][%s]]" file title))))
(s-join "\n")))
;; Code for Keyword Metadata =ggsrc= fragment generation:1 ends here
;; [[id:arroyo/feed-cache-ggsrc][Generating a =ggsrc= file for [[id:cce/universal_aggregator][Universal Aggregator]]:1]]
(add-to-list 'arroyo-db-keywords "ARROYO_FEEDS")
(add-to-list 'arroyo-db-keywords "ARROYO_FEED_URL")
(add-to-list 'arroyo-db-keywords "ARROYO_FEED_CATEGORY")
;; Generating a =ggsrc= file for [[id:cce/universal_aggregator][Universal Aggregator]]:1 ends here
;; [[id:arroyo/feed-cache-ggsrc][Generating a =ggsrc= file for [[id:cce/universal_aggregator][Universal Aggregator]]:2]]
(defcustom arroyo-feeds-ggsrc-path "/"
"The location to write final collated GGSRC file. This can be local or TRAMP path."
:group 'arroyo
:group 'arroyo-feeds
:type 'string)
(defun arroyo-feeds-flood (&optional no-restart)
"Create a ggsrc file suitable for the grey goo spawner. With prefix argument skip restarting service"
(interactive "P")
(with-current-buffer (find-file arroyo-feeds-ggsrc-path)
(->> (arroyo-db-get "ARROYO_FEEDS")
(-sort #'arroyo-feeds--sort-pairs) ;;
(-map (pcase-lambda (`(,file ,dest))
(arroyo-feeds--call-file file) ;;
dest)) ;; done with file, return only dest
(append (list "ggs/0-rss-command.ggsrc"))
(arroyo-feeds--insert-files)) ;;
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert (arroyo-feeds--keyword-fragment)) ;;
(unless no-restart
(let ((default-directory "/"))
(async-shell-command "sudo systemctl restart ua && echo \"done\""))))
;; Generating a =ggsrc= file for [[id:cce/universal_aggregator][Universal Aggregator]]:2 ends here
;; [[id:arroyo/feed-cache-ggsrc][Generating a =ggsrc= file for [[id:cce/universal_aggregator][Universal Aggregator]]:3]]
(defun arroyo-feeds--sort-pairs (one two)
(pcase-let ((`(,_ ,one-path) one)
(`(,_ ,two-path) two))
(s-less? one-path two-path)))
;; Generating a =ggsrc= file for [[id:cce/universal_aggregator][Universal Aggregator]]:3 ends here
;; [[id:arroyo/feed-cache-ggsrc][Generating a =ggsrc= file for [[id:cce/universal_aggregator][Universal Aggregator]]:4]]
(defun arroyo-feeds--ugly-execute-src-block (block-name)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (and (search-forward-regexp
(org-babel-named-src-block-regexp-for-name block-name)
nil t)
(defun arroyo-feeds--call-file (path)
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect path)
(arroyo-feeds--ugly-execute-src-block "tangle-file")))
;; Generating a =ggsrc= file for [[id:cce/universal_aggregator][Universal Aggregator]]:4 ends here
;; [[id:arroyo/feed-cache-ggsrc][Generating a =ggsrc= file for [[id:cce/universal_aggregator][Universal Aggregator]]:5]]
(defun arroyo-feeds--insert-files (files)
(let ((cce-directory (expand-file-name "cce" org-roam-directory)))
(dolist (fragment files)
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert-file-contents (expand-file-name fragment cce-directory)))))
;; Generating a =ggsrc= file for [[id:cce/universal_aggregator][Universal Aggregator]]:5 ends here
;; [[*Footmatter][Footmatter:1]]
(provide 'arroyo-feeds)
;; Footmatter:1 ends here