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A Basic Firefox Installation

(provide 'cce/firefox-installation)

I use Firefox everywhere, except for YouTube Videos, as explained in Web Browsing, and here is how to use it in Emacs:

;(setq browse-url-generic-program (executable-find "mpv"))
;;  nothing to see here.....
 (if (> emacs-major-version 27)
 '(;; ("https?://\\(www.\\)?youtu.?be\\(.com\\)?/" . browse-url-generic)
   ("." . browse-url-firefox)))

It's installed from distribution packages.

- name: firefox installed
    state: present
    name: firefox
  when: ansible_pkg_mgr == "apt"
  - firefox

- name: firefox installed
    state: installed
    name: firefox
  when: ansible_pkg_mgr == "dnf"
  - firefox

I eventually want to reliably build Firefox extensions myself as part of an effort to harden my system's third party code sources. I do keep a rule that the extensions that I use must be open source, so building and distributing them myself should at least be minimally feasible.

Right now, I use the following extensions:


Page UX:


These will be expanded on as I see necessary in to their own pages.