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Deadgrep is a Great Grep Interface

ripgrep is a regular expression searching Tool written in Rust. deadgrep is a package which runs on top of it providing an Emacs interface to rg's functionality. I have it bound to C-x p a in a Projectile Hydra. I provide a "hack" to introduce some extra arguments to Deadgrep. While Wilfred is happy to commit and work on various issues, he hasn't seemed too interested in solving this. So we roam:get out the emacs scalpel.

(use-package deadgrep
  (defun deadgrep--hack-arguments (oldfun &rest rest)
    (let ((res (apply oldfun rest)))
      (append (list "--follow" "--glob" "!*~") res)))
  (add-function :around (symbol-function 'deadgrep--arguments) #'deadgrep--hack-arguments))
(provide 'cce/deadgrep)

for NixOS Nix Home Manager:

  home.packages = [ pkgs.ripgrep ];