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Org Mode

#+TITLE: Arcology DB Creates a Queryable Cache of Knowledge
#+ROAM_ALIAS: "Arcology DB" "arcology-db"
#+ARCOLOGY_KEY: arcology/arcology-db
I organize my personal [[file:../knowledge_base.org][Knowledge Base]] in [[file:../cce/org-roam.org][org-roam]] and org-roam creates a SQLite cache to achieve its performance and dynamicity. I extend this further, adding caching of page keywords, tracking the upstream code but for now a fork of it. I would love to reintegrate this code some time. This elisp code is based on Jethro Kuan's org-roam code and shares copyright with him.
Copyright © 2020 Jethro Kuan <jethrokuan95@gmail.com>
Copyright © 2020 Ryan Rix <ryan@whatthfuck.computer>
Right now, it's assumed that this code will run on the server which hosts the Elixir service, but that is not a hard requirement -- it could be generated locally and then the =sqlite3= file pushed to the server with [[file:../cce/syncthing.org][Syncthing]] or so.
* Rebuilding the Arcology DB within Elixir
:ID: 94fcbe07-5b65-4826-a890-12c46161c2ab
The org-roam parser runs in Emacs and the Arcology does not. This is squared away by starting the Emacs parser using a shell-command.
This code is cool because it has three different types of string escaping in it. Good luck making sense of that!
#+begin_src elixir :mkdirp yes :tangle lib/arcology/db_commands.ex
defmodule Arcology.DbCommands do
def build_command(), do: _build_command(false)
def build_command(full_build: fb), do: _build_command(fb)
defp _build_command(full_build) do
arc_dir = Application.get_env(:arcology, :env)[:arcology_directory]
org_roam_dir = Application.get_env(:arcology, :env)[:org_roam_source]
db_location = Application.get_env(:arcology, :env)[:database]
lisp_dir = to_string(:code.priv_dir(:arcology)) <> "/lisp"
build_arg =
case full_build do
true -> "t"
false -> "nil"
~s<pushd >, lisp_dir, ~s<; emacs -Q --batch >,
~s<--eval '(setq org-roam-source-directory ">, org_roam_dir, ~s<")' >,
~s<--eval '(setq org-roam-directory ">, arc_dir, ~s<")' >,
~s<--eval '(setq org-roam-db-location (expand-file-name ">, db_location, ~s<" ">, File.cwd!, ~s<"))' >,
~s<-l arcology-batch.el >,
~s<--eval '(org-roam-db-build-cache >, build_arg ,~s<)' >
|> Enum.join()
* Mix Tasks
These tasks use that build command and send it to =Mix.shell()=, easy.
The first rebuilds the DB from scratch:
#+begin_src elixir :mkdirp yes :tangle lib/mix/tasks/arcology/build.ex
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Arcology.Build do
use Mix.Task
@shortdoc "Create the arcology database"
@impl Mix.Task
def run(_) do
Mix.Tasks.Arcology.build_command(full_build: true)
|> Mix.shell().cmd()
Update an existing DB:
#+begin_src elixir :mkdirp yes :tangle lib/mix/tasks/arcology/update.ex
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Arcology.Update do
use Mix.Task
@shortdoc "Update the arcology database"
@impl Mix.Task
def run(_) do
Mix.Tasks.Arcology.build_command(full_build: false)
|> Mix.shell().cmd()
These mix tasks start Emacs with no configuration loaded before jamming its own configuration in, =arcology-batch=
* =arcology-batch= sets up a batch builder
This relies on code from my [[file:../cce/cce.org][Complete Computing Environment]], i'm not sure what to do about that for now, but I don't think it matters so much. This elisp is a "batch" file to be run by the =mix= tasks, loading the required libraries and then configuring org-roam minimally. =org-roam-source-directory=, and optionally =org-roam-directory= is specified in [[file:phoenix.org][Arcology configuration]] and shoved in using the Mix Task above.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle priv/lisp/arcology-batch.el :mkdirp yes
(unless (boundp 'org-roam-directory)
(setq org-roam-directory (file-truename "~/org/")))
(load-file (expand-file-name "cce/packaging.el" org-roam-directory))
(add-to-list 'load-path default-directory)
(add-to-list 'load-path org-roam-source-directory)
(use-package dash)
(use-package f)
(use-package s)
(use-package emacsql)
(use-package emacsql-sqlite3)
(require 'subr-x)
(require 'cl)
(require 'org-roam)
(require 'org-roam-keywords)
(setq org-roam-cached-keywords