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:ID: 20240226T132507.817450
#+TITLE: The Arcology's Site Maps and Discovery Mechanisms
#+ARCOLOGY_KEY: arcology/sitemaps
These pages are perhaps the most "dynamic" or inteactive of the Arcology's features right now.
First there is a set of views which renders an index of all the Pages' tags. Here we start to use [[roam:HTMX]] to render partials dynamically. Rather than load every tag's page listing, the =/tags/= endpoint allows you to drop-down tags with a button press to see posts with that tag.
Then there is the Sitemap page which uses [[id:20220711T151820.326251][SigmaJS]] to render a connected topology of all the pages in the Arcology Project.
* Django View Setup
#+begin_src python :tangle sitemap/ :mkdirp yes
import logging
import json
import functools
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound, JsonResponse
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404
from django.db.models import Count
from arcology.models import Page, Feed, Site
from roam.models import Link, Tag, File
from sitemap.models import Node, Edge
# from prometheus_client import Counter, Histogram
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#+begin_src python :tangle sitemap/ :mkdirp yes
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, re_path, include
from sitemap import views
urlpatterns = [
path("tags", views.tags_index, name="sitemap"),
path("tags/", views.tags_index, name="sitemap"),
path("tags/<slug:tag>", views.tag_page, name="sitemap"),
path("sitemap", views.sitemap, name="sitemap"),
path("sitemap.json", views.sitemap_data, name="sitemap"),
* Tag aggregation pages
CLOCK: [2024-02-26 Mon 15:22]--[2024-02-26 Mon 15:22] => 0:00
#+begin_src python :tangle sitemap/ :mkdirp yes
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404
def tags_index(request):
site = Site.from_request(request)
tags = Tag.objects.all().values('tag').annotate(total=Count('tag')).order_by('-total')
return render(request, "sitemap/tags.html", dict(
The =tags= template lists all the tags and lets you click on them to see the pages in one. .o(it probably should just show all the pages underneath it.)
#+begin_src jinja2 :tangle sitemap/templates/sitemap/tags.html :mkdirp yes
{% extends "arcology/app.html" %}
The tab title is assembled from the page and site title:
#+begin_src jinja2 :tangle sitemap/templates/sitemap/tags.html
{% block title %}The Arcology Project - Tag List{% endblock %}
If the site has any feeds, they're injected in to the =<head>= along with any particular web-crawler rules.
#+begin_src jinja2 :tangle sitemap/templates/sitemap/tags.html
{% load static %}
{% block extra_head %}
{% for feed in feeds %}
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="{{ feed.url }}" title="{{ feed.title }}" />
{% endfor %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'sitemap/css/sitemap.css' %}"/>
<script src="{% static 'sitemap/js/htmx.js' %}" defer></script>
{% endblock %}
The main =content= block contains the list of tags. It uses =HTMX= to make a dynamically loading list of pages with headings containing the Tag:
#+begin_src jinja2 :tangle sitemap/templates/sitemap/tags.html
{% block content %}
{% for tag in tags %}
<li>{{ tag.tag }}&nbsp;
(<a class="page_count"
href="/tags/{{ tag.tag }}"
hx-get="/tags/{{ tag.tag }}"
<b>{{}}</b> Hits
{# {% include tag-pages.html %} #}
<ul id="{{tag.tag}}-pages">
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
* Individual Tag Pages (and list partial)
This renders a partial depending on whether or not it's called by the HTMX declarations above.
#+begin_src python :tangle sitemap/ :mkdirp yes
def tag_page(request, tag: str):
site = Site.from_request(request)
pages = Tag.weighted_pages_by_name(tag)
if request.htmx:
base_template = "sitemap/tag_partial.html"
base_template = "arcology/app.html"
return render(request, "sitemap/tag.html", dict(
#+begin_src jinja2 :tangle sitemap/templates/sitemap/tag.html
{% extends base_template %}
{% load static %}
{% block h1 %}<h1>{{site.title}}<h2>Pages tagged with {{tag}}</h2></h1>{% endblock %}
{% block title %}Pages tagged with {{tag}} in the Arcology{% endblock %}
{% block extra_head %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'sitemap/css/sitemap.css' %}"/>
<script src="{% static 'sitemap/js/htmx.js' %}" defer></script>
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<section class="tag-index">
<a href="/tags/">&larr;&nbsp;Show all tags</a>
<h1>Pages tagged with {{tag}}</h1>
{% block list %}
<ul id="{{tag}}-pages" class="tag-list">
{% for page, hit_count in pages.items %}
<li><a style="--size: {{hit_count}};" href="{{page.to_url}}">{{page.title}}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
With some minor CSS rules applied we get a sort of limited "tag cloud" effect where pages with more links to this heading get made larger
#+begin_src css :tangle sitemap/static/sitemap/css/sitemap.css :mkdirp yes
.tag-index ul.tag-list a {
--size: 1;
font-size: calc(log(var(--size) + 1) * 120%);
#sitemap-container {
height: 80em;
filter: saturate(500%);
That =request.htmx= branch will make sure we only render the list if the HTMX partial is called by swapping the base HTML template to render only the list:
#+begin_src jinja2 :tangle sitemap/templates/sitemap/tag_partial.html
<div class="tag-list">
<a href="/tags/{{ tag }}">Show all...</a>
{% block list %}{% endblock %}
* Sitemap JSON
That this relies on [[id:20240204T234334.762591][Data Models for Sites, Web Features, and Feeds]] *and* [[id:arcology/django/roam][Arcology Roam Models]] tells me it may be needs to be in a different module, idk... the structure of these projects really does need to be worked on.
This also lifts design and code whole-sale from [[id:arcology/fastapi][Arcology FastAPI]]: [[id:arcology/sitemaps][Navigating the Arcology Site Graph with SigmaJS]].
Nodes come from =Page= objects and are shaped like this:
#+begin_example json
"id": "n0",
"label": "A node",
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"size": 3
Edges come from =Link= objects and are shaped like this:
#+begin_example json
"id": "e0",
"source": "n0",
"target": "n1"
compose together and return in a single dict for JSON rendering shaped like:
#+begin_example json
"nodes": [
<<all nodes>>
"edges": [
<<all edges>>
** Making SigmaJS Nodes
#+begin_src python :tangle sitemap/ :mkdirp yes
import arcology.models
import roam.models
from arcology.cache_decorator import cache
import hashlib
def make_loc_hash(page: arcology.models.Page, salt, max_q=700):
key = page.file.path + str(salt)
hash = hashlib.sha224(key.encode("utf-8")).digest()
return int.from_bytes(hash, byteorder="big") % max_q
class Node():
def make_page_dict(cls, page):
@cache(key_prefix="sitemap_node", expire_secs=60*60*24)
def _make(page, hash):
link_cnt = page.file.outbound_links.count()
backlink_cnt = roam.models.Link.objects.filter(dest_heading__in=page.file.heading_set.all()).count()
return dict(
x=make_loc_hash(page, 1),
y=make_loc_hash(page, 2),
size=min((link_cnt + backlink_cnt) / 2, 20),,
return _make(page, page.file.digest)
def get_sigmajs_nodes(cls):
pages = arcology.models.Page.objects.all()
nodes = [
for page in pages
return nodes
** Making SigmaJS Edges
#+begin_src python :tangle sitemap/ :mkdirp yes
class hashabledict(dict):
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple(sorted(self.items())))
class Edge():
def get_sigmajs_edges(cls):
q_links = roam.models.Link.objects.all()
links = set()
for link in q_links:
source = link.source_file.page_set.first().route_key
dest = link.dest_heading.path.page_set.first().route_key
except roam.models.Heading.DoesNotExist:
return list(links)
** JSON Handler/View
This tries to calculate a consistent cache key cheaply and probably fails.
#+begin_src python :tangle sitemap/ :mkdirp yes
import hashlib
from arcology.cache_decorator import cache
@cache(key_prefix="sitemap_resp", expire_secs=60*60*24)
def _cached(cache_key, hashes):
print(f"called w/ cache key {cache_key}")
ret = dict(
print(f"finished call w/ cache key {cache_key}")
return ret
def sitemap_data(request):
hashes = [ file.digest for file in File.objects.order_by('path') ]
cache_key = hashlib.sha224(''.join(hashes).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
return JsonResponse(_cached(cache_key, cache_key))
* Sitemap HTML Page
#+begin_src python :tangle sitemap/ :mkdirp yes
def sitemap(request):
site = Site.from_request(request)
return render(request, "sitemap/map.html", dict(
** Sitemap Page Template
#+begin_src jinja2 :tangle sitemap/templates/sitemap/map.html
{% extends "arcology/app.html" %}
{% load static %}
{% block h1 %}<h1>{{site.title}}<h2>A Map of the Arcology Sites</h2></h1>{% endblock %}
{% block title %}Arcology Sites Map{% endblock %}
{% block extra_head %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'sitemap/css/sitemap.css' %}"/>
<script src="{% static 'sitemap/js/htmx.js' %}" defer></script>
<script src="{% static 'sitemap/js/graphology.min.js' %}" defer></script>
<script src="{% static 'sitemap/js/graphology-library.min.js' %}" defer></script>
<script src="{% static 'sitemap/js/sigmajs.min.js' %}" defer></script>
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
This is a network graph of all the pages published in my
Arcology network. The color of the node corresponds to its
site, and you can click on any of them to jump to that page or
zoom in to see more of their labels. I will be adding more
features to this sitemap like search and highlighting
"relative" neighbors later on. Feel free to view
<a href="">the implementation</a>
within the Arcology pages, as usual.
You may also like to see the <a href="/tags/">Tag Index</a>.
<div id="sitemap-container">
<script type="application/javascript" src="{% static 'sitemap/js/sitemap.js'%}"></script>
{% endblock %}
* Sitemap Frontend JS using Sigma JS
** What is SigmaJS
:ID: 20220711T151820.326251
[[][SigmaJS]] is a JavaScript library for visualizing graphs. My [[id:cce/org-roam][org-roam]] knowledge base is a graph and [[id:arroyo/system-cache][arroyo-db]] contains the public pages and links. As nodes and edges, this makes a fine graph and a lot more "logical" than an XML sitemap or linear walk through the sites.
** Getting SigmaJS
Download and vendor the minified versions:
#+begin_src shell
export GRAPHOLOGY_VER=0.24.1
export SIGMAJS_VER=v2.3.1
curl --location -v -o sitemap/static/sitemap/js/sigmajs.min.js$SIGMAJS_VER/sigma.min.js
curl --location -v -o sitemap/static/sitemap/js/graphology.min.js$GRAPHOLOGY_VER/graphology.min.js
curl --location -v -o sitemap/static/sitemap/js/graphology-library.min.js$GRAPHOLOGY_VER/graphology-library.min.js
These can now be used by the django =static= template helper.
** JavaScript to set up and render the SigmaJS graph
The =SigmaJS= upstream code is loaded in the =<head>=, then this code runs after page load to fetch the graph data and cram it in to the =#sitemap-container= =<div>=.
#+begin_src javascript :noweb-ref sigmaInit :noweb yes :tangle sitemap/static/sitemap/js/sitemap.js
const container = document.getElementById("sitemap-container");
.then(response => response.json())
.then((data) => {
const graph = new graphology.Graph.from(data);
const renderer = new Sigma(graph, container);
return {renderer, graph}
A [[][ForceAtlas2]] layout algorithm is applied to the page for 5 seconds to allow the nodes to coalesce in to a stable layout.
#+begin_src javascript :noweb-ref forceAtlas2-setup
var FA2Layout = graphologyLibrary.FA2Layout;
var forceAtlas2 = graphologyLibrary.layoutForceAtlas2;
const sensibleSettings = forceAtlas2.inferSettings(graph);
const layout = new FA2Layout(graph, {
settings: sensibleSettings
The layout work is done in a [[][background task]]:
#+begin_src javascript :noweb-ref forceAtlas2-invoke-worker
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
An event handler is defined for the =clickNode= event to open the URL embedded in the node's attributes added in [[id:20220712T101916.751167][Making SigmaJS Nodes]].
#+begin_src javascript :noweb-ref clickNode
renderer.on("clickNode", ({ node }) => {
var realnode = graph._nodes.get(node);
window.location = realnode.attributes.href;
** Focusing on Nodes in the Graph
The =<<hoverReducer>>= code to "highlight" a node by de-emphasizing the nodes it does not neighbor is taken from the [[][SigmaJS examples]] and converted from TypeScript to JavaScript by hand. No I will not set up a NodeJS build chain.
#+begin_src javascript :noweb-ref hoverReducer
state = {};
function setHoveredNode(node) {
if (node) {
state.hoveredNode = node;
state.hoveredNeighbors = new Set(graph.neighbors(node));
} else {
state.hoveredNode = undefined;
state.hoveredNeighbors = undefined;
// Refresh rendering:
renderer.on("enterNode", ({ node }) => {
renderer.on("leaveNode", () => {
// Render nodes accordingly to the internal state:
// 1. If a node is selected, it is highlighted
// 2. If there is query, all non-matching nodes are greyed
// 3. If there is a hovered node, all non-neighbor nodes are greyed
renderer.setSetting("nodeReducer", (node, data) => {
const res = { };
if (state.hoveredNeighbors && !state.hoveredNeighbors.has(node) && state.hoveredNode !== node) {
res.label = "";
res.color = "#f6f6f6";
if (state.selectedNode === node) {
res.highlighted = true;
} else if (state.suggestions && !state.suggestions.has(node)) {
res.label = "";
res.color = "#f6f6f6";
return res;
// Render edges accordingly to the internal state:
// 1. If a node is hovered, the edge is hidden if it is not connected to the
// node
// 2. If there is a query, the edge is only visible if it connects two
// suggestions
renderer.setSetting("edgeReducer", (edge, data) => {
const res = { };
if (state.hoveredNode && !graph.hasExtremity(edge, state.hoveredNode)) {
res.hidden = true;
if (state.suggestions && (!state.suggestions.has(graph.source(edge)) || !state.suggestions.has( {
res.hidden = true;
return res;