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Posting Arcology Feeds to the Fediverse Automatically with feed2toot (deprecated)

Feed2toot automatically parses rss feeds, identifies new posts and posts them on the Mastodon Fediverse social network.

I'll probably end up writing something similar myself one of these days since (somewhat critically) this does not support multiple (feeds->account) mappings right now and thus I will have to run one for each of my Arcology Sites' feeds.

feed2toot rixpkgs entry

We love a Python package that is pretty easy to get running:

{ lib,

buildPythonPackage rec {
  pname = "feed2toot";
  version = "0.17";

  src = fetchPypi {
    inherit pname version;
    sha256 = "sha256-VKj0Wu5KdsfsywO1g4z3mFsQT9Svrt6wQHZSeNxbRAw=";

  propagatedBuildInputs = [

  meta = with lib; {
    homepage = "";
    description = "Feed2toot parses a RSS feed, extracts the last entries and sends them to Mastodon.";
    license = licenses.gpl3;
    maintainers = with maintainers; [ rrix ];

shell:nix-build '<arroyo>&%2339;%20-A%20feed2toot -> /nix/store/fvw5m7q8y2kh0mkr2y52wv55lvv2hwym-python3.10-feed2toot-0.17

Generating the Feed URI Lists Programmatically

So I have a few Arcology Sites, each of these needs its own configuration file passed to the feed2toot invocation. This queries Arroyo Arcology Generator's arcology.arroyo.Feed to generate a file with each group of (site, visibility) of feeds in the database.

(setq arcology-sites '(("lionsrear" . "")
                       ("garden" . "")
                       ("cce" . "")
                       ("arcology" . "")))

(defun arcology-arroyo-feeds-to-urls (group rows)
  (let* ((file-name (format "~/arroyo-nix/files/feed2toot-uris-%s-%s.txt" (first group) (second group))))
    (list file-name
          (-map (lambda (row)
                  (let* ((feed-prefix (alist-get (nth 3 row) arcology-sites nil nil #'equal))
                         (site (nth 3 row))
                         (key (nth 1 row))
                         (feed-url (replace-regexp-in-string (concat site "/") feed-prefix key)))

(defun arcology-arroyo-write-feed-list (file lines)
    (insert (s-join "\n" lines))
    (write-file file)

(defun arcology-arroyo-make-feed-lists ()
  (->> (arroyo-db-query [:select * :from arcology-feeds])
       (-group-by (lambda (row)
                    (list (nth 3 row) (nth 4 row))))
       (-map (lambda (partitioned)
               (let* ((partition (first partitioned))
                      (rows (cdr partitioned)))
                 (arcology-arroyo-feeds-to-urls partition rows))))
       (-map (lambda (group)
               (apply #'arcology-arroyo-write-feed-list group)))))

(s-join "\n" (arcology-arroyo-make-feed-lists))

~/arroyo-nix/files/feed2toot-uris-garden-private.txt ~/arroyo-nix/files/feed2toot-uris-arcology-public.txt ~/arroyo-nix/files/feed2toot-uris-garden-public.txt ~/arroyo-nix/files/feed2toot-uris-lionsrear-unlisted.txt ~/arroyo-nix/files/feed2toot-uris-lionsrear-public.txt ~/arroyo-nix/files/feed2toot-uris-cce-public.txt

INPROGRESS deploy to The Wobserver

  • State "INPROGRESS" from "NEXT" [2022-12-28 Wed 12:38]

feed2toot operates with INI configuration files and luckily enough nixpkgs includes a way to convert attrsets to ini files in lib.generators.toINI; this is wrapped in a function which takes the basic per-instance configuration details including the uri-list which are generated above and then creates a roam:SystemD service manifest and timer to poll the site and post the toots. Easy peazy.

,#+ARROYO_NIXOS_MODULE: nixos/feed2toot.nix ,#+ARROYO_NIXOS_ROLE: server

{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:

  mkFeed2TootIni = { instance,
                     visibility ? "public",
                     credLoc ? config.users.users.feed2toot.home,
                     tagListFile ? pkgs.writeText "empty-taglist" ""}:
                       pkgs.writeText "feed2toot-${instance}"
                         (lib.generators.toINI {}
                             mastodon = {
                               instance_url = "";
                               user_credentials = "${credLoc}/${instance}_feed2toot_usercred.txt";
                               client_credentials = "${credLoc}/${instance}_feed2toot_clientcred.txt";
                               toot_visibility = visibility;
                             cache.cachefile = "/var/cache/feed2toot/${instance}.db";
                             lock.lock_file = "/run/feed2toot/${instance}.lock";
                             rss.uri_list = builtins.path { path = uriList; };
                             rss.toot = "NEW by {link} \\n {summary}";
                             rss.toot_max_len = 10000;
                             hashtaglist.several_words_hashtags_list = tagListFile;
                             feedparser.accept_bozo_exceptions = true;

  feeds = [
    (mkFeed2TootIni {
      instance = "garden";
      visibility = "public";
      uriList = ../files/feed2toot-uris-cce-public.txt;
    (mkFeed2TootIni {
      instance = "garden";
      visibility = "public";
      uriList = ../files/feed2toot-uris-garden-public.txt;
    (mkFeed2TootIni {
      instance = "lionsrear";
      visibility = "public";
      uriList = ../files/feed2toot-uris-lionsrear-public.txt;
    (mkFeed2TootIni {
      instance = "garden";
      visibility = "unlisted";
      uriList = ../files/feed2toot-uris-arcology-public.txt;
    (mkFeed2TootIni {
      instance = "lionsrear";
      visibility = "unlisted";
      uriList = ../files/feed2toot-uris-lionsrear-unlisted.txt;
    (mkFeed2TootIni {
      instance = "garden";
      visibility = "private";
      uriList = ../files/feed2toot-uris-garden-private.txt;
in {
  ids.uids.feed2toot = 902;
  ids.gids.bots = 902;

  users.groups.bots = {
    gid = config.ids.gids.bots;
  users.users."feed2toot" = {
    home = "/srv/feed2toot/";
    group = "bots";
    uid = config.ids.uids.feed2toot;
    isSystemUser = true;

  systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
    "d /run/feed2toot 1777 feed2toot bots"       # lock file directory
    "d /var/cache/feed2toot 1777 feed2toot bots" # cache file directory
    "d /srv/feed2toot 1777 feed2toot bots"       # working directory
  ]; = {
    description = "Feeds to Toots";
    after = ["pleroma.service"];
    wantedBy = [""];
    script = 
        (feed: "\n${pkgs.feed2toot}/bin/feed2toot -c " + feed)
    serviceConfig = {
      User = "feed2toot";
      WorkingDirectory = "/srv/feed2toot";
  systemd.timers.feed2toot = {
    description = "Start feed2toot on the quarter-hour";
    timerConfig = {
      OnUnitActiveSec = "15 minutes";
      OnStartupSec = "15 minutes";
    wantedBy = [ "" ];

NEXT remove bs4 html filtering

pleroma supports embedding HTML so we should use that.