
12 KiB


Archive an Emacs Tool to update the sha256 of Nix Version Pins etc… I have a modified version that will work in Org-mode and will process all of the declerations on the buffer that aren't missing sha256 already, to bypass builtins.fetchGit not requiring/accepting one…

Bind nix-update-fetch to a key (I use C-. u), and then you can very easily update the rev/sha of a fetchgit declaration. Also works for several other fetch types.

I've extended it to ignore builtins.fetchGit blocks and iterate over the entire document:

;; (use-package nix-update
;;   :bind (:map nix-mode-map)
;;   ("M-o" . nix-update-fetch))

(defun nix-update-branch-revs ()
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward  "#+CALL: prefetch-git-rev" nil t)
      (let* ((context (org-element-lineage (org-element-context)
             (info (org-babel-lob-get-info context)))
        (when info (org-babel-execute-src-block nil info))))
    (message "Fetched latest revisions.")))

(defun nix-update-decls (&optional arg)
  "Update the nix fetch expression at point."
  (interactive "P")
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward (rx (and (submatch
                                        (or "compileEmacsWikiFile" 
                                            (and "fetch"
                                                 (or "url"
                                                     (and "FromGit" (or "Hub" "Lab"))))))
                                       (1+ space)

                             nil t)
      (goto-char (1- (match-end 0)))
      (let ((begin (point))
            (type (match-string 1)))
          (narrow-to-region begin (point))
          (cl-flet ((get-field
                     (goto-char (point-min))
                     (let ((field-re (concat field "\\s-+=\\s-+\"?\\(.+?\\)\"?\\s-*;"))
                        ((re-search-forward field-re nil t)
                         (match-string 1))
                        ((and (re-search-forward
                               (concat "inherit\\s-+.*" field ".*;")
                                (backward-up-list) (backward-up-list)
                                    (re-search-forward field-re nil t)
                                  (setq res (match-string 1)))))
                     (field value)
                     (goto-char (point-min))
                     (if (re-search-forward
                          (concat field "\\s-+=\\s-+\"?\\(.+?\\)\"?\\s-*;")
                          nil t)
                         (replace-match value nil t nil 1)
                       (goto-char (point-max))
                       (search-backward ";")
                       (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
                       (let ((leader "    "))
                         (when (looking-at "^\\(\\s-+\\)")
                           (setq leader (match-string 1)))
                         (goto-char (line-end-position))
                         (when value
                           (insert ?\n leader field " = \"" value "\";"))))))
            (let ((data
                   (pcase type
                      (let ((owner (get-field "owner"))
                            (repo (get-field "repo"))
                            (rev (or (and (null arg) (get-field "rev")) ""))
                             (let ((subs (get-field "fetchSubmodules")))
                               (and subs (string-equal subs "true")))))
                          (message "Fetching GitHub repository: %s/%s ..."
                                   owner repo)
                          (let ((inhibit-redisplay t))
                               "nix-prefetch-git --no-deepClone"
                               (if submodules " --fetch-submodules" "")
                               " --quiet %s")
                              owner repo rev)
                             "Fetching GitHub repository: %s/%s:%s ...done"
                             owner repo rev))
                          (goto-char (point-min))
                      (let ((owner (get-field "owner"))
                            (repo (get-field "repo"))
                            (rev (or (and (null arg) (get-field "rev")) "")))
                          (message "Fetching GitLab repository: %s/%s ..."
                                   owner repo)
                          (let ((inhibit-redisplay t))
                               "nix-prefetch-git --no-deepClone"
                               " --quiet %s")
                              owner repo rev)
                             "Fetching GitLab repository: %s/%s ...done"
                             owner repo))
                          (goto-char (point-min))
                      (let ((url (get-field "url"))
                            (rev (or (and (null arg) (get-field "rev")) "")))
                          (message "Fetching Git URL: %s ..." url)
                          (let ((inhibit-redisplay t))
                             (format (concat
                                      "nix-prefetch-git --no-deepClone"
                                      " --quiet '%s' %s")
                                     url rev)
                            (message "Fetching Git URL: %s ...done" url))
                          (goto-char (point-min))
                      (let ((url (get-field "url")))
                          (message "Fetching URL %s: ..." url)
                          (let ((inhibit-redisplay t))
                            (shell-command (format "nix-prefetch-url '%s'" url)
                            (message "Fetching URL %s: ...done" url))
                          (goto-char (point-min))
                          (while (looking-at "^\\(path is\\|warning\\)")
                           (cons 'date
                                 (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"))
                           (cons 'sha256
                      (let ((url (get-field "url")))
                          (message "Fetching URL %s: ..." url)
                          (let ((inhibit-redisplay t))
                            (shell-command (format "nix-prefetch-url --unpack '%s'" url)
                            (message "Fetching URL %s: ...done" url))
                          (goto-char (point-min))
                          (while (looking-at "^\\(path is\\|warning\\)")
                           (cons 'date
                                 (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"))
                           (cons 'sha256
                      (let ((name (get-field "name")))
                          (message "Fetching EmacsWiki file %s: ..." name)
                          (let ((inhibit-redisplay t))
                              "nix-prefetch-url ''" name)
                            (message "Fetching EmacsWiki file %s: ...done" name))
                          (goto-char (point-min))
                          (while (looking-at "^\\(path is\\|warning\\)")
                           (cons 'date
                                 (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"))
                           (cons 'sha256
                      (let ((pname (get-field "pname"))
                            (version (get-field "version")))
                        (message "version: %s" version)
                          (message "Fetching PyPi Package: %s-%s: ..." pname version)
                          (let ((inhibit-redisplay t))
                              "nix-prefetch-url mirror://pypi/%s/%s/%s-%s.tar.gz"
                              (substring pname 0 1)
                            (message "Fetching PyPi Package: %s-%s: ...done" pname version))
                          (goto-char (point-min))
                          (while (looking-at "^\\(path is\\|warning\\)")
                           (cons 'sha256
              (if (assq 'rev data)
                    (message "Updating rev to %s" (alist-get 'rev data))
                    (set-field "rev" (alist-get 'rev data))))
              (set-field "sha256" (alist-get 'sha256 data))
              (if (assq 'date data)
                  (set-field "# date"
                             (let ((date (alist-get 'date data)))
                               (if (string-match "\\`\"\\(.+\\)\"\\'" date)
                                   (match-string 1 date)

(bind-key "M-o o" #'nix-update-decls nix-mode-map)
(bind-key "M-o o" #'nix-update-decls org-mode-map)

(bind-key "M-o i" #'nix-update-branch-revs nix-mode-map)
(bind-key "M-o i" #'nix-update-branch-revs org-mode-map)
(provide 'cce/nix-update)
{ pkgs, ... }:

  home.packages = with pkgs; [ nix-prefetch-git ];