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Secure Backup Infrastructure with Restic

Layer 1: Syncthing gives me strength in numbers

Anything that I care about flows in to Last Bank and is also persisted on my other laptops to prevent single-machine hardware failure or device loss from affecting me.

Layer 2: Local ZFS Snapshots

ZFS snapshots let me quickly undo any mistakes I make locally, or recover if Syncthing blows away something I care about. NixOS gives me auto-snapshots every fifteen minutes and cleans up old stuff reasonably.

My Basic ZFS Configuration handles this.

Layer 3: Remote Disaster Recovery

We're using restic this time. Off-site backups are sent to Backblaze B2 which is decently affordable to store, don't charge for inbound bandwidth, and will mail you a disk with a snapshot if you ask for it.

{ pkgs, lib, ... }:

  reportingSpf = 300;
  mkBackup = overrides: {
    initialize = true;
    timerConfig = {
      OnCalendar = "00:00";
      RandomizedDelaySec = "2h";
    passwordFile = "/root/restic-password";
    environmentFile = "/root/restic-env";
    pruneOpts = [
      "--keep-daily 7"
      "--keep-weekly 5"
      "--keep-monthly 12"
      "--keep-yearly 75"
  } // overrides;
in {
  services.restic.backups.tank_media = mkBackup {
    repository = "b2:restic-last-bank:media";
    paths = ["/media"];
  }; = toString (1.0 / reportingSpf);
  services.restic.backups.tank_srv = mkBackup { # 
    repository = "b2:restic-last-bank:srv";
    paths = ["/srv"];
    timerConfig.OnCalendar = "03:00";
  }; = toString (1.0 / reportingSpf);
  services.restic.backups.tank_home = mkBackup {
    repository = "b2:restic-last-bank:home";
    paths = ["/home"];
    timerConfig.OnCalendar = "05:00";
  }; = toString (1.0 / reportingSpf);

restic · Backups done right!

Restic is a modern backup program that can back up your files:

  • from Linux, BSD, Mac and Windows
  • to many different storage types, including self-hosted and online services
  • easily, being a single executable that you can run without a server or complex setup
  • effectively, only transferring the parts that actually changed in the files you back up
  • securely, by careful use of cryptography in every part of the process
  • verifiably, enabling you to make sure that your files can be restored when needed
  • freely - restic is entirely free to use and completely open source

NEXT Layer 4: Local Offline zpool with snapshots sent to it

I need to buy more disks for this to work. would be nice to store them with Alice or have a pair that i swap between when I go to San Diego…

INPROGRESS this entire project needs to be done…   Computer

  • State "INPROGRESS" from "NEXT" [2023-08-03 Thu 12:08]

i have enough ideas i just need to stop having tool anxiety and read about borg backup

NEXT can this be more secure than having a password file legible by root….

the evergreen problem of backups