
94 lines
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:ID: 20220222T091934.288233
#+title: Parsing the KDE Lockscreen Configuration and setting x11 root BG
#+ARCOLOGY_KEY: cce/kde-lockscreen-fehbg
When I am using [[id:20211206T133651.674012][i3wm]] it doesn't reliably create [[id:cce/kde_is_a_base_for_my_emacs_desktop][KDE Plasma]] workspaces for each workspace. This script extracts the list of images used in the =Screen Locker → Appearance → Slideshow= wallpaper type and chooses one at random to set to the root image.
* =fehbg= is a script which selects a random image file and sets it as the X11 root bg
Grab all files in paths selected paths:
#+NAME: all-files
#+begin_src shell
kreadconfig5 --file ~/.config/kscreenlockerrc \
--group Greeter --group Wallpaper --group org.kde.slideshow --group General \
--key SlidePaths \
| sed -s 's|,|\n|g' | xargs -I{} find "{}" -type f
You can un-check individual files from the folders, this =kreadconfig5= call lists those and normalizes the paths.
#+NAME: unchecked
#+begin_src shell
kreadconfig5 --file ~/.config/kscreenlockerrc \
--group Greeter --group Wallpaper --group org.kde.slideshow --group General \
--key UncheckedSlides \
| sed -E -s 's|,?file://|\n|g' | sed -E "s|/media/pictures/|/home/rrix/Pictures/|"
These are inserted in to a script -- this uses some under-used BASh-isms and [[id:09779ac0-4d5f-40db-a340-49595c717e03][noweb syntax]] to weave it all together:
=<(CMD)= creates a [[][*process substitution*]] -- bash will replace that with something like =/dev/fd/100=,create a sub-process which *writes to that file descriptor* (also referred to as a named pipe) and then the process being scripted, =grep= in this case, will read from those "files" which are just the output of multiple other programs. This uses *two* named pipes and particular grep options
- =-F= matches fixed strings instead of regular expressions
- =-x= matches an entire line
- =-v= filters *for exclusion* rather than *inclusion*, *unchecked* from *all-files*
- =-f= specifies to use the =unchecked= files process substitution as a list of line-expressions to filter
- The two =grep -v= call filter the text files and tarballs and other stuff out
#+begin_src shell :noweb yes :session *shell* :shebang #! /usr/bin/env nix-shell :tangle ~/arroyo-nix/files/ :comments no
grep -Fx -v <( \
) -f <(
) \
| grep -v "txt$" | grep -v "tar.gz$" \
| shuf -n1 | xargs -I{} feh --bg-fill "{}"
* =fehbg= is installed and automated in [[id:cce/home-manager][home-manager]] and [[id:cce/my_nixos_configuration][My NixOS configuration]]
It can be installed in to [[id:cce/home-manager][home-manager]] with a [[roam:SystemD]] timer, too
#+ARROYO_HOME_MODULE: hm/fehbg.nix
#+begin_src nix :tangle ~/arroyo-nix/hm/fehbg.nix :noweb yes
{pkgs, ... }:
let fehbg = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
name = "fehbg";
runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [ feh gnugrep libsForQt5.kconfig ];
text = builtins.readFile ../files/;
in {
home.packages = [ fehbg ]; = {
Unit.Description = "Change the X11 rootbg.";
Unit.After = "";
Service.ExecStart = "${fehbg}/bin/fehbg";
Service.Type = "oneshot";
systemd.user.timers.fehbg = {
Unit.Description = "Change the X11 rootbg every half hour.";
Install.WantedBy = [""];
# one minute after login
Timer.OnActiveSec = 60;
# every 30 minutes there after
Timer.OnUnitActiveSec = (30 * 60);
Timer.OnStartupSec = 30;
Timer.Unit = "fehbg";