
110 lines
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Org Mode

:ID: mastodon_in_emacs
#+TITLE: Mastodon in Emacs
#+filetags: :Project:Emacs:CCE:Communication:
#+PROPERTY: header-args :mkdirp yes :results none
#+ARCOLOGY_KEY: cce/mastodon-in-emacs
Let's see if this doesn't annoy me. I'm not huge excited about any Mastodon client though.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle cce/mastodon.el :noweb yes
(use-package request)
(use-package mastodon
(require 'mastodon-async)
(mastodon-mode . visual-line-mode)
(mastodon-tl--show-avatars t)
(mastodon-instance-url "")
(mastodon-active-user "rrix"))
(provide 'cce/mastodon)
here's a package override for my [[id:cce/emacs][Emacs]] home-manager installation which uses a more-up-to-date fork:
#+ARROYO_HOME_EPKGS: overrides/mastodon.nix
#+begin_src nix :tangle ~/arroyo-nix/overrides/mastodon.nix
mastodon = epkgs.melpaPackages.mastodon.overrideAttrs(old: {
src = pkgs.callPackage pkgs.lib.pkgVersions.mastodon {};
propagatedBuildInputs = old.buildInputs ++ [epkgs.request epkgs.persist];
* List Timelines in Mastodon.el
:ID: 20220723T193839.847353
This uses the Mastodon.el API to fetch the lists, select one, and display it in a buffer.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb-ref list-timelines
(defun mastodon-tl--show-list-timeline (&optional list-name)
(let* ((options
(cl-mapcar (lambda (car)
(cons (alist-get 'title car)
(alist-get 'id car)))
(mastodon-http--get-json (mastodon-http--api (format "lists")))))
(chosen-name (or list-name
"Which list?"
(cl-mapcar #'car options))))
(chosen-id (alist-get chosen-name options nil nil #'equal)))
(concat "list-" chosen-name) (concat "timelines/list/" chosen-id) 'mastodon-tl--timeline)))
* Configure an Mastodon.el frame
And this configures a frame with my favorite buffers; i wish there was a cleaner way to do this, but alas. I have some scriplets in [[id:20220723T195008.486029][Emacs Helper Scripts]] to invoke this from KRunner/WM.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb-ref setup-frame
(defun cce/my-mastodon.el-buffers ()
(mastodon-tl--show-list-timeline "folks")
(mastodon-tl--show-list-timeline "neatbots")
(mastodon-tl--show-list-timeline "Guppies")
(mastodon-tl--show-tag-timeline "emacs")
(mastodon-tl--show-tag-timeline "orgmode")
(mastodon-tl--show-tag-timeline "gunpla")
(sit-for 5)
(defun cce/setup-mastodon-buffers ()
(let ((actions ; list of buffer names
(display-buffer-alist '(("\*mastodon.*" (display-buffer-same-window)))))
(dotimes (i (- (length actions) 1))
(dolist (buffer actions)
(display-buffer buffer)
(other-window 1))))
** NEXT upstream this.