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Nextcloud on Wobserver

Nextcloud is a self hosted personal information server. Think of it like Google Workspace or Office365 but self-hosted and lower-quality. I use it to share files with friends over roam:WebDAV and NC's easy link-sharing feature, I use it to sync my calendar and contacts with my phone and in to org-mode with org-caldav.

Here is how it's deployed to The Wobserver:

{ ... }:


  services.postgresql.ensureDatabases = ["nextcloud"];
  services.postgresql.ensureUsers = [
      name = "nextcloud";
      ensurePermissions = {
        "DATABASE nextcloud" = "ALL PRIVILEGES";

  services.prometheus.exporters.nextcloud = {
    enable = false;
    passwordFile = "/srv/nextcloud/admin-pass";
    username = "admin";
    url = "";

  users.groups.tank = {
    members = [ "rrix" "nextcloud" ];
    gid = 10001;

  services.nextcloud = {
    enable = true;
    home = "/srv/nextcloud";
    appstoreEnable = true;
    hostName = "";
    https = true;
    webfinger = true;
    config = {
      dbhost = "/run/postgresql";
      dbtype = "pgsql";
      extraTrustedDomains = [""];
      # dbpassfFile = 
      adminpassFile = "/srv/nextcloud/admin-pass";
      adminuser = "admin";

NEXT validate this

NEXT grafana dashboards for nextcloud stats