
45 lines
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Org Mode

:ID: org_mime
:ROAM_ALIASES: "Org Mime" org-mime
#+TITLE: Sending Rich Text with Org Mime
#+filetags: :Emacs:CCE:Communication:
#+PROPERTY: header-args :mkdirp yes :results none
#+PROPERTY: header-args:emacs-lisp :tangle cce/org-mime.el
#+ARCOLOGY_KEY: cce/org-mime
I wrote in my [[id:cce/gnus][Gnus]] configuration that I prefer plaintext email to HTML, but I aim to send HTML email by default in most situations[fn:2:I prefer to maintain plain-text conversation for one-on-one communication.]. Ironic that I'm willing and able to inflict HTML mail on the rest of the world, huh? Nah. I encourage people to make decisions based on choices they care about and I don't think most people care about this, and those who do have powerful enough tools to make that decision.
I don't believe that HTML mail should automatically opt you in to a surveillance panopticon, and I don't think it's reasonable to make insecure choices by default, vis a vis embedded images, and indeed reasonable systems should not display images by default. There are principled mail providers like ProtonMail and which will alert and block HTML mail tracking technology. [[id:128ab0e8-a1c7-48bf-9efe-0c23ce906a48][Hypermedia]] and Hypertext are some of the better inventions and I think when used in good faith it can be a powerful tool.
And so I use it in good faith: With [[][org-mime]] I use [[id:1fb8fb45-fac5-4449-a347-d55118bb377e][org-mode]] to draft my mail, attaching a "plain-text" org-mode markup along with an HTML export of that mail for folks with different dogmas than me. This allows me to reasonably attach well-formatted source code, links to documentation and research, and limited semantic markup to my documents. I promise I won't use Comic Sans:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle cce/org-mime.el
(provide 'cce/org-mime)
(use-package org-mime
:after gnus
(setq org-mime-library 'mml
org-mime-export-options '(:section-numbers nil
:with-author nil
:with-toc nil))
(:map message-mode-map ("C-c M-o" . org-mime-htmlize))
(:map org-mode-map ("C-c M-o" . org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize)))
With this loaded, I can add keywords to pages in my [[id:4cc8c5fc-ece0-4a34-8bf8-8fd0ac626bb4][Zettelkasten]] such that running =org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize= on a Zettel page will cause it to be mailed:
,#+MAIL_SUBJECT: a subject line