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Controlling Syncthing on my Endpoints

A shortcoming of the Arroyo Systems Management data model is that I can't have modules in the same file with different roles: If I were to install Syncthing's tray files in the Syncthing page, it pulls in a whole Qt and KDE Plasma environment on to my server! So I define it here. open threads

So this is the tray module for Syncthing which is installed in My NixOS configuration for endpoints.

{ lib, pkgs, ... }:

  services.syncthing.tray.enable = true; = lib.mkForce "${pkgs.syncthingtray}/bin/syncthingtray --wait"; = lib.mkForce [""]; = lib.mkForce [];
  home.packages = [ pkgs.syncthingtray ];

I modify the systemd configuration to wait for the Plasma tray to become available since there is no which the default configuration relies on.